What do you need for your Road Test?
Required Documents for Applicants under 18
- Valid Michigan Level One Learners License – held for a minimum of 6 months.
- Michigan Segment II Certificate of Completion
- Valid Proof of Insurance
- Valid Vehicle Registration
- Driving Log- The examiner will confirm that the driving log shows the teen completed at least 50 hours of driving (including 10 hours of nighttime driving) before attempting the driving skills test. Any written or electronic format may be accepted. The driving log must, at a minimum, show the dates of each practice drive, the number of hours/minutes of each drive, and a designation when a practice drive was at night. The log must be totaled up prior to the appointment.

Road Test
Required Documents for Applicants over 18
- Valid Michigan Temporary Instruction Permit (If you have a foreign license, it must be accompanied by a DSTAR)
- Valid Proof of Insurance
- Valid Vehicle Registration
Adult Driving Requirements
We offer car rental for applicants needing a vehicle. The rental vehicle is a Toyota Prius and is available for an additional charge of $50.
The test location is in the Legacy Church parking lot at the southeast corner of Eleven Mile Rd and Taft Rd. The address is 45301 W 11 Mile Rd. Novi MI 48375. Please enter the address in GPS exactly as listed. Please note that the test site is not the same as the office. Do not Google the company or the directions will take you to the office, not the road test site. Please arrive 10 minutes early and enter the parking lot off Eleven Mile where you will see the traffic cones set up.

Michigan standards require that the applicant bring a roadworthy vehicle (one that would not cause the test to be terminated due to faulty equipment). The vehicle can only be occupied by the examiner, the applicant, and any required passenger (parent/guardian for minor, or if necessary, an interpreter). Please dress appropriately for the weather as the parent/guardian is outside the vehicle for the parking lot portion of the exam. Also, if you are over 18 and you have someone bringing you to the appointment, they will not be able to stay in the car during your test. The church may not be open so they may have to wait outside. Please make sure they dress for that possibility.